Monday, January 12, 2015
This morning we did two hours of sport. I’m the only one with a belly and they asked me if I was pregnant. I said yes in the seventh month. However, I’m working on reducing it.
We have the “cercle de lectures” this afternoon. I need to participate more in French and less in English.
I just dialed your number 12 times hoping to contact you. As usual, I’m out of luck.
I received from Bob and Linda two books and a letter together with another letter separately. From Ria, I received a nice card. From Jo, I received three books from November 24, 2014. Like Bob's book, they came late... I received one letter from Virginia, one letter from Barbara, one letter from Jan, and one from Ria (in the same envelope) with photos of Jena. I also received your letter from December 29... I received Ali’s nice letter. He's amazing. Please thank them all! How did I forget? I also received Jena's beautiful letter. I hope she’ll like the drawing I made for her (included here).
It rained letters, books, cards, photos... What a day! The woman in charge of “cercle de lectures” brought me three books in English today, while an inmate brought me three books (grammar, etc.) to learn French. My place will soon be full of books and journals. It’s good I’m not sharing the cell or I would be sleeping on my books.
Some of the letters and especially the books were sent as far back as November 24 and I got them today, January 12 (about 44 days later). All the letters are from December 2014. Yours is probably the most recent. You said you sent another letter two days earlier, but I didn't see it. Maybe it's in the receiving room. Hopefully I’ll receive it tomorrow or so.
I look at Jena’s letter and smile. It looks like she's keeping everyone busy with her jumping, talking, and especially football playing. She has tons of friends now.
As you can guess, most of the news on TV is about the incidents of last week. It brings so much to mind the memory of 9/11 in NY, especially the aftermath of the attack. The future doesn’t look promising. Every time you entertain the idea that finally reason will prevail you get disappointed. At the end of the day, only innocent people pay the price for all the uncertainties and messy situations.
How strange now. I have so many books to read. I read constantly and the number of books is growing faster. I had almost nothing to read the first week I arrived.
I can’t wait to read your post-delivery letter to see how things went. How’s the little baby doing, his attitude, his sister’s reaction and interaction with him? Does she feel she wants to be in charge and help? Try to make two short videos of them every month so I might be able to have a look at them one day...
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